Shared Resources and Infrastructure

Shared Resources and Infrastructure



Much of current cancer research is dependent upon access to resources such as new technologies, well curated specimens and associated data, databases of existing cancer related data, and targeted animal models, to name a few. It is critical for researchers and organizations located across Washington State to leverage resources such as these to advance cancer research and accelerate biologic discoveries to improve cancer care and health outcomes. The Shared Resources and Infrastructure grant is intended to bolster Washington State’s cancer research ecosystem by supporting efforts to plan, develop, or support shared resources that will advance cancer research in Washington State. Shared resources are research tools, materials, and services that will provide access to, or be used by, multiple cancer research projects or institutions and may include but are not limited to population-based databases, biospecimen acquisition programs, and animal models. Infrastructure is broadly defined as essential to support a shared resource. The grant may not be used to purchase real property.



Two grant award tracks, Planning grants and Implementation grants will be available to achieve this objective.

Planning Grant Track 

The planning grant will support the initial exploration and development of a shared resource that has the potential to advance cancer research in Washington State. The grant may support activities related to the: 

  • Establishment of the research team 

  • Formation of partnerships or collaborations, including outreach to diverse patient population groups 

  • Development of data sharing agreements and addressing other legal and regulatory issues related to the shared resource 

  • Development of the operational plan to develop the resource, including the ongoing maintenance and support of the resource 

  • Development of the resource  

  • Piloting the resource to assess long-term feasibility 

 Implementation Grant Track 

The Implementation grant will support implementation and use of a shared resource, including expanding the reach and use of an existing resource, to advance cancer research in Washington State. The grant may support activities related to: 

  • Extending the use and availability of an existing shared resource 

  • Extending participation in providing data to a shared resource  

  • Enhancing the data or materials available in a shared resource, including linking to other databases and increasing enrollment of patients 

  • Building a self-sustaining (outside of additional CARE Fund investment) infrastructure to support the long-term availability of a shared resource, including but not limited to databases or specimen collection infrastructure, to advance cancer research 

  • Purchase of shared equipment, equipment that is needed for operationalizing the shared resource, or support the operational costs associated with shared equipment used in cancer research  

The above activities listed under the Planning and Implementation grant tracks are examples and are not meant to be an exhaustive list. All cancer-related resources that have the potential to advance cancer research are eligible and may be supported.  

All proposals must discuss how the resources will enable cancer research and provide a sustainability plan for how multiple users will benefit from the shared resource, whether at the same or other institutions. 

Applicants proposing a project involving a non-shared resource are directed to the CARE Fund Life Science Start-Up and Development Grant Cycle 1 funding opportunity. 


Application Charateristics


  • Organizations in Washington State, including companies, universities, research institutions, local health jurisdictions, tribal governments, tribal entities, and Urban Indian Organizations are eligible to apply. Applicants must have a substantial presence in Washington, as determined by the CARE Board based on factors including, but not limited to, the following: number and type of staff in Washington; state of incorporation; location of headquarters, research, or manufacturing facilities in Washington; or any combination of such factors. 

  • Organizations may submit up to five (5) applications for this funding opportunity.  

  • Matching funds are not required

Grant Award and Use of Funds

  • The project period may be up to two years (24 months); Budget expenses may be allocated over the project period as needed, commensurate with the timeline and milestones. 

  • The total grant request (direct and indirect costs) over the project period may not exceed: 

    • $300,000 for a Planning grant  

    • $2,000,000 for an Implementation grant 

  • Grant funds may be used to purchase shared equipment, equipment that is needed for operationalizing the shared resource, or support operational costs for shared equipment essential to cancer research. 

  • Projects with collaborations outside of Washington State are allowed; however, the principal investigator and the primary research activities must be located in Washington State and the majority of the CARE Fund grant award must be allocated to recipients conducting research in Washington State. 

  • All grants will be made in accordance with the CARE Fund’s policies and applicable laws, including the CARE Fund statute (Chapter 43.348 Revised Code of Washington).



Call for Proposals Announced: October 6, 2022

Letter of Intent Deadline: Thursday, October 27, 2022, 5:00 p.m. (PT)

Full Application Deadline: Thursday, January 5, 2023, 5:00 p.m. (PT)

Award Decision: May 2023



The RFP and application materials for the grant opportunity are available below.

Organizations that intend to submit a full application must submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) for each Shared Resources and Infrastructure proposal through the CARE Fund grants management system. The Shared Resources and Infrastructure LOI can be accessed by clicking on the Apply button below. The LOI must be submitted by Thursday, October 27, 2022, 5:00 p.m. (PT).

After the LOI is reviewed by the CARE Fund and/or contractors, selected applicants will be invited to submit a full application via the CARE Fund grants management system. The full Shared Resources and Infrastructure grant application will be available to applicants after they are invited. Full applications must be submitted by Thursday, January 5, 2023, 5:00 p.m. (PT).

It is anticipated that award decisions for this cycle will be made in May 2023. Applicants will be notified of award decisions via email.

For questions regarding this program or application process, please contact Tasha Florez at

Shared Resources and Infrastructure RFP
Letter of Intent Instructions with Prompts
Full Application Instructions with Prompts
Project Milestones and Timeline Guidance
Project Key Personnel Form
Project Budget Narrative Justification Guidance
RFP Questions and Answers (October 25, 2022)